Anyway, sleep first.
值得记录的事情 | Specials & Feelings
Recently heart hurts from time to time.
Politics and Physics exam yesterday.
- 担心政治过不了。Worrying about would not be able to pass Politics.
- 7:15到校,我能基本守时真是奇迹。Arrived on time at a quarter past seven, it’s marvelous that I could be punctual.
- 当天6:40起床,见到了久违的朝霞。这导致我今天醒的也挺早。Waking up at twenty to seven the day, witnessed the morning glow that has been absent for a long time, which caused me up early too.
自从使用K30P,手机使用时间大幅提高。Since using the K30P, phone using time skyrocketed.
做了什么 | Commons
放学前去看了英语成绩,只考了 65.5 分。Having seen the English test score, only scored 65.5.
别人早写完了,我却墨迹到下课后的课间才交卷。Others had finished early, but I dilly-dally until the break after class and finally handed in the paper.
什么没做 | To-do Regrets
啥也不会。Can’t do and don’t know anything.
全科复习,求求了。Full subject review, please.
赶紧把clash配置做自动化,别依赖subconverter。Hurry up and automate the clash configuring, don’t depend on the subconverter.
任务 | Jobs
语文 | Chinese
数学 | Mathematics
英语 | English
物理 | Physics
化学 | Chemistry
生物 | Biology
Daily Workouts
- FollowingMoon
- ChasingSun
- CheckAtSleep
心情 | Emotions
很多事情没做,动力完全丧失。Many things were left undone, totally lost motivation.
希望能尽快调整。Expecting a patch-up soon.
以上。That’s all.